Feedback Strategies


R.E.D. Source: Padlet

Source: Be a Mirror

Five Qualities of Feedback:

  1. Be specific: Instead of saying "you predicted," say "you looked at cover and title..."
  2. Focus on what the reader is doing, not on what is missing.
  3. Focus on the process and the work the reader put in. 
  4. Make sure it can transfer. Instead of just saying things about the characters, say "When you thought about character's choices, it helps you understand his motivation."
  5. Take yourself out of feedback. Not saying "I like how... or I think..." Instead, say reader's name or say "when you..."

Source: How to Give Bad Feedback Without Being a Jerk

  1. Explain why you're giving the feedback: "I'm giving you these comments because I have high expectations and I know you can reach them."
  2. Take yourself off the pedestal: "I've benefited a lot from people giving me feedback, and I'm  trying to pay that forward." Messages that say I'm not perfect, I'm trying to get better too. 
  3. Ask if the person wants feedback: not helpful in this class but unsolicited advice can backfire.
  4. Have a transparent dialogue, not a manipulative dialogue: be blunt and not use compliments to mask the blow.




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