Story Lab: Style (can be helpful for main project)
Boundless freedom is not always helpful.
Creative constraints - requirements and limitations we have to address to accomplish a goal.
- Iterative
- Innovative
- Understanding constraints can help us come up with solutions and advance in any fields.
What makes a hero?
- Joseph Campbell
- mono-myth or Hero's Journey
- Cycle
- Status Quo
- Assistance
- Departure
- Trials
- Approach - face biggest ordeal
- Crisis - darkest hour
- Treasure - claims some treasure
- Result
- Return
- New Life - change hero, outgrown old life
- Resolution
- Status Quo - nothing is the same
How to build a fictional world
- rules, maps, lineage, cultures, universes, alt-universes, stories after stories
- change reader's perspective on the real world
- imagination and willingness to live in your own world is needed to start a novel
- Methods
- basic place and time, create a timeline
- what rules belong in this world
- what type of government, belief, weather, eat, how they treat their young and old, animals and plants looks, transportation
- what kind of conflict will the protagonist face
- George Orwell - 1984
- Orwellian = totaltarian
- Ministry of Love = torture
- Ministry of Peace = War
- Ministry of Truth = Propaganda
- Doublespeak - undermine the meaning of the word and corrupt the ideas of it
- War is Peace
- Freedom is Slavery
- Ignorance is Strength
- pretentious words to project authority
- Words in ads affect your behavior
- Language is the currency of politics
How to write descriptively
- Metaphor - "Billie's legs are noddles. The ends of her hair are poison needles. Her tongue is a bristly sponge and her eyes are bags of bleach."
- Cast a spell, induce senses vividly
- Taste, smell, touch, sight, hearing
- ability to make associations
- "The world was ghost-quiet, except for the crack of sails and the burbling of water against hull."
- sound
- "Love began on a beach. It began that day when Jacob saw Annette in her stewed-cherry dress,"
- experience the story, imaginative
Zombie nouns
- nominalizations
- help express ideas like perception, intelligence
- However, impede clear communication (lawyers, laws)
Websource: Youtube
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