Reading Notes: American Indian Tales Part A
The Little Boy and Girl in the Clouds
Origin of the mountains. Mountains and hills were made a long time ago but this one high hill magically grew. This is a story of the Big Rock and how it carried the little boy and girl up to the clouds. Long time ago when the animals and human lived in harmony and everything was pleasant, the little boy and girl favorite animals were Jack Rabbit and Antelope. The Beaver would taught them how to swim. The children climbed up the rock and fell asleep. Their parents went to look for them and they asked other animals but they haven't seen the children either. The Coyote has the keenest smell so it sniffed out the children up on the rock. The rock was so high that the top was lost to sight in the clouds. Everyone tried to figure out how to get them down so they resorted to jumping. Mountain Lion made the highest jump but not high enough to reach the rock. Measuring Worm (Inchworm) came to the rescue but everyone look down on it because it is so small. The Measuring Worm climb up the rock and took a whole month to reach the top of the magic rock. It woke up the little boy and girl and guided them down the path.
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