Reading Notes: Eskimo Folk Tales Part B
Tungujuluk and Saunikoq
They were both wizards. One would turn into bear, the other walrus. Tungujuluk had a son but Saunikoq had no children. Saunikoq grew jealous and began to plan evil. Saunikoq can turn into a bear and harass the son. Tungujuluk can turn into a walrus and stole Saunikoq bladder float. Tungujuluk ask his wife to cook the float and when Saunikoq told the hunting story, Tungujuluk revealed the float. With shame, Saunikoq went northward and never to be seen again.
He have many enemies but none of his enemies can kill him. He had a son who he toss in the water everyday so that he can be a clever swimmer. He tests his son by telling him to swim underwater as long as he can. One day, his father have not return from hunting because his enemies killed him. Kayaks came from the north to invade and the boy used his swimming and diving skills. The boy found an iceberg and climbed on it. The invaders tried to climb but the boy throw ice at them. The enemies retreat and the boy jumped down and tip their kayaks over, drowning the invaders. He let one lived to tell his friends to never come back. The boy then became the defender and no enemies ever come back.
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